جراحت کلیوی
A single tail vein in- jection of either M2a or M2c macrophages at 5 days after adriamycin-in- duced nephropathy in a murine model of chronic kidney disease protected against renal injury after 28 days, while unactivated macro- phages had no effect.
In contrast to a study that showed increased fibrosis with infusion of M1-like macrophages in renal injury [62], other studies have reported decreased fibrosis with administration of M1-like macrophages in muscle injury [63,64], dem- onstrating the need for tailoring macrophage-based therapies to their specific contexts.
[128] showed that ex vivo-polarized splenic macrophages but not bone mar- row-derived macrophages retained an M2-like phenotype and protected against injury for weeks after administration in a murine renal injury model.
Zheng et al. generated a similar protective population by polarizing iso- lated macrophages with IL-4 and IL-13 and then adoptively transferring the stimulated cells into mice with pancreatic and renal injuries (Zheng et al.
IL-25 induces M2 macrophages and reduces renal injury in proteinuric kidney disease.
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